My Favorite February Activities (plus FREEBIES!)

 Who doesn't love February? We finally make it through gloomy January and make our way into the month of love and kindness. I'm a little late with this post since it's almost Valentine's Day, but I thought I'd still pop in and share some of my favorite February activities!

1. I love, love, love making heart maps with my kids. I'm not sure where this idea originated, but it's something my kids always enjoy. I decided to put an artistic spin on it and use water colors for the different section of our hearts. They turned out amazing! Everything has to be traced in crayon (not marker) if you choose to use water colors. 

2. A fun activity for math time is making love bugs or love monsters. For the love bugs, I teach the kids to make hearts and other symmetrical shapes. They then measure the love bugs. This makes a cute bulletin board! Grab the FREE resource HERE.

Symmetrical Love Monsters are also super fun and a great way to sneak in that lesson on symmetry. Just get all the construction paper scraps and go for it!

3. I obviously love spicing up math time with thematic activities. Math crafts are definitely a go-to every month (really, every other week.) They're a great way to practice math facts and can be easily differentiated. You can grab the February Math Crafts in my TPT store. You can also grab the heart craft freebie HERE!

4. Once a month, I have parents come in for "Creation Station." They read a story and bring all the supplies for a fun craft! Last year, we made these adorable jewelry boxes. She found the heart boxes on clearance at Micheal's, and they glued on the jelly beans and other candies. They had so much fun and gave the jewelry boxes to their moms for Valentine's Day! She sprayed them with a sealant when they were finished to *hopefully* hold everything in place and keep the ants away. :) 

5. I recently added a new product line- Monthly Math Puzzlers. These math puzzles are also differentiated so you can have students working on different skills while still creating the same picture. I love it, and they're perfect for Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day!

Thanks for stopping by! 

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