Monday Made-It: Revamped Teacher's Chair

Hey ya'll!
I'm excited to link up today with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made-It!

I've always envied the teachers with those cute teacher chairs in their circle-time area, but I just couldn't bring myself to spend a lot of money on one. After seeing some adorable chairs on instagram, I decided it was time to make my own. I posted a search for a chair in my local area facebook group and quickly came home with this chair for $35. Not bad!

 I then asked my friend, Freddy, if he could help me recover it, and we were ready to go! I headed to Hobby Lobby and found this fabric that I LOVE! (It's actually duck cloth, whatever that means.) I bought 4 yards and that was the perfect amount.

Here are some pics of the process. We did not take off the original fabric. We just covered it. (By we, I mostly mean Freddy.) We weren't able to remove the feet, so that complicated things. We used lots of pleating and folding to get a clean look.

And here's the finished product! I LOVE IT!!

Not an official "made-it," but since we rarely blog, I wanted to share that Ashley and I finally bundled our 1st grade math tubs!! You can find the bundle in my TPT store (Jana Guerra).

It's currently discounted as part of a #summerSALEbration that we are doing with some TPT friends. We have lots of sales and giveaways planned in the next few days, so search #summerSALEbration on instagram to check it out! (Do you follow us on instagram?? You should!)

That's it for now! head over to 4th Grade Frolics to check out the other Monday Made-Its! :)


  1. It came out awesome! Now I just have to find me a chair and a Freddy! 🙂

  2. That pattern is EVERYTHING. What a huge difference!

  3. Looks great! I love the pattern and lucky you, having a friend who knows what to do!

  4. Your chair is so pretty! I love the fabric. So glad you had someone to help you and that knew what to do.

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