A Peek Inside My Room

I LOVE looking at pictures of classrooms. I always get such great ideas and inspiration. I decided to do some spring cleaning today and reorganized my teacher area, and (since it was so nice and clean) I thought I'd go ahead and snap some pics so that you can get a glimpse into my world!
{Warning: There are a LOT of pics in this post.}
View from the door
Word Wall to the left of the entry
Daily schedule on the concept/reference wall

View from the back wall

Since we have tables, I had to come up with different places around the room to store our supplies. {I would like to note that I LOVE having tables, so I'm happy to find space for supplies.}
We keep our Busy Bee folders in the blue tubs. They are secured with Velcro so they don't constantly fall over.
In the drawers, we keep our math center folders, math workbooks, privacy folders, and our ipad stands. Table Captains gather these supplies when needed.
My wonderful dad built these cubbies for me over the summer. Our backpacks hang above them.

Below are our book boxes. The kids use them during the Daily 5.
I keep our math tubs in bins next to the books boxes.
View from my teacher table
View from the front of the room

 I am super-lucky to have a co-teacher this year. Her name is Mrs. Hernandez, and this is her area. This is connected to our classroom library and our ipad charging station.
View from the windows
 Close-ups from my teacher area
Reading group supplies
 More teacher supplies... We have so much stuff!
 This is where I keep monthly supplies- decorations, math centers, books, etc
And finally, my Avett Brothers quote... I LOVE the Avett Brothers. This is hanging next to the door. One of my little sweeties told me he always looks at it as he leaves, and it reminds him of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Smart kid!
That's it! Thank you so much for visiting! Feel free to ask me any questions.

1 comment:

  1. Your room looks so fabulous! I was excited to find a fellow Austin teacher! I'm in Dripping!
    Rowdy in First Grade
